CLiC-it 2018
Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics
10-12 December, 2018
Turin, Italy
Conference Announcement and First Call for Papers
The Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, CLiC-it, aims at establishing a reference forum for the Italian community of researchers working in the fields of Computational Linguistics (CL) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). CLiC-it promotes and disseminates high-level, original research on all aspects of automatic language processing, both written and spoken, and targets state-of-the-art theoretical results, experimental methodologies, technologies, as well as application perspectives, which may contribute to the advancement of the CL and NLP fields.
The spirit of the conference is inclusive. In the conviction that the complexity of language phenomena needs cross-disciplinary competences, CLiC-it intends to bring together researchers of related disciplines such as Computational Linguistics, Natural Language Processing, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Machine Learning, Computer Science, Knowledge Representation, Information Retrieval, and Digital Humanities. CLiC-it is open to contributions on all languages, with a particular emphasis on Italian.
The fifth edition of CLiC-it will be held in Turin, on 10-12 December, 2018. The conference will be followed by EVALITA 2018 (, the 6th evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and speech tools for the Italian language. Both CLiC-it and EVALITA are initiatives of the Italian Association of Computational Linguistics (AILC —
The conference invites the submission of papers on all aspects of automated language processing. Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Language and Cognition
- Dialogue, Discourse and Natural Language Generation
- Information Extraction, Information Retrieval and Question Answering
- Linguistic Issues in CL and NLP
- Language Resources
- Machine Learning for NLP
- Machine Translation and Multilinguality
- Morphology and Syntax Processing
- NLP for Digital Humanities
- NLP for Web and Social Media
- Pragmatics and Creativity
- Research and Industrial NLP Applications
- Semantics and Knowledge Representation
- Spoken Language Processing and Automatic Speech Understanding
CLiC-it 2018 has the goal of a broad technical program. We invite papers in theoretical computational linguistics, empirical/data-driven approaches, resources and their evaluation, as well as NLP applications and tools. We also invite papers describing a challenge in the field, position papers, survey papers, and papers that describe a negative result.
We are also favouring a parallel submission policy for outstanding papers that have been submitted and accepted elsewhere in 2018. If you are the author of a paper accepted at a major international CL conference or journal in 2018, you can present your work at CLiC-it 2018 in the form of a short research communication, within a dedicated session at the conference. Research communications will not be published in the proceedings, but are mostly intended to enforce dissemination of excellence in research within the Italian CL community.
Submission Format
Papers may consist of up to four (4) pages of content, and two (2) additional pages of references. Papers can be either in English or Italian, with the abstract both in English and Italian. Accepted papers will be published on-line and will be presented at the conference either orally or as a poster. For research communications (see above) a two (2) page abstract is required. The deadline for all types of submissions is July 15, 2018.
Submissions should follow the ACL two-column format. We strongly recommend the use of LaTeX style files or Microsoft Word style files according to the ACL format, which will be available on the conference website under “Information for Authors”. Submission must be electronic in PDF, using the Easychair submission software.
Reviewing will NOT be blind, so there is no need to remove author information from manuscripts.
Important Dates
15/07/2018: Paper submission deadline
23/09/2018: Notification to authors of reviewing outcome
15/10/2018: Camera ready version of accepted papers
10-12/12/2018: CLiC-it Conference, Turin
Program co-chairs:
Elena Cabrio (Université Côte d’Azur, Inria, CNRS)
Alessandro Mazzei (Università di Torino)
Fabio Tamburini (Università di Bologna)
Local Organizing Committee:
Alessandro Mazzei (Università di Torino)
Further information
Conference website: